Project Scientist
Adil Khurram (scholar, Linkedin) is a project scientist working under the supervision of Prof. Jan Kleissl on the NSF funded project DERConnect which is a national testbed, under development, for distributed controls in power and energy systems. He received his B.S. degree from National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan in 2013 and the M.S. degree from American University of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE in 2016 both in electrical engineering. He earned his Ph.D. degree also in electrical engineering from the University of Vermont (UVM), Burlington, VT, USA. At UVM he was advised by Prof. Mads Almassalkhi and Prof. Luis Duffaut Espinosa. He has been a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) since 2014.
His research interests include optimization and control of distributed energy resources (DERs), statistical electrical load modeling and forecasting of renewable energy resources. During his PhD degree, he worked on Packetized Energy Management (PEM) which is a control methodology that enables aggregators to manage hundreds of thousands of DERs with minimal communication. Specifically, he developed Markovian models to predict the population dynamics as well as virtual battery models to characterize the power and energy capacity of DERs under PEM. He is currently working on developing a national testbed DERConnect that will allow researchers from both academia and industry to implement and validate novel control techniques, such as PEM, at scale and in a heterogeneous environment.